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Levelland-Oxy Sports Complex - 7 Years & Going Strong

This past April, marked the 7 year anniversary for the Levelland-Oxy Sports Complex.  Through the generous contribution from Occidental Petroleum Company and support from the community, the youth and the young at heart, are able to enjoy the first Phase of this multi purpose sports complex.  The soccer and ball fields highlight this modern facility with ample parking right next to the athletic fields for spectators.  The facility proudly fielded its first games in April of 2015. To recognize the hard working individuals that made this complex possible, led by the Levelland Community Development Corporation, a bronze dedication plaque provided by MARCOZA Castings was installed on site listing the names of those who gave of their time and effort.

bronze dedication plaque
Plaque by MARCOZA Castings  Article by: Ron Foglia


August 3, 2022

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