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San Antonio Zoo & Koehler Park - 107 Years Old

This 107 year old original bronze plaque acknowledges the generous gift from Emma Koehler.  The land she gave in December 1915 in memory of her late husband now hosts the San Antonio Zoo and Koehler Park.  

Koehler Park, now hosts Koehler Pavilion which has become popular facility available for weddings, meetings and other special events.

The San Antonio Zoo, recently named the best zoo in Texas.  It is operated by San Antonio Zoological Society and is a non-profit organization committed to securing a future for wildlife. Through its passion and expertise in animal care, conservation, and education, the zoo’s mission is to inspire its community to love, engage with, act for and protect animals and the places they live. The zoo welcomes more than a million visitors each year and is open year-round hosting events and special experiences for visitors of all ages.

San Antonio Zoo Koehler Park Celebrates 107 years- Marcoza Castings
San Antonio Zoo & Koehler Park Acknowledge 107 years. Bronze plaque by MARCOZA Architectural Castings.
November 9, 2022

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